Ray Heath/Edith Gooley Leadership Fund

Ray Heath

Edith Gooley
Ray Heath was the long term Secretary and Treasurer of the Wellington Paraplegic and Physically Disabled Association, and Secretary/Treasurer of the Trust.
He was also the clarinettist of the Valley Stompers, a Dixie Land jazz band.
Shortly after his death a fund was established from donations received in his memory.
The fund in her name was established by a bequest from Edith to the above Trust.
In 2011 these two funds were re-focussed into the current Ray Heath/Edith Gooley Leadership Fund.
To support through grants, people with physical disabilities who wish to further their leadership aspirations.
What the fund will cover
- Information technology
- Travel
- Course fees
- Accommodation and
- Supplementary related costs.
Who Is eligible?
The awards are available to any person who has a physical disability and are open to all New Zealand citizens.
Conditions of application
Applicants must be permanent residents of New Zealand.
They must agree that information and photographs supplied are part of the application, or subsequently obtained by the judges may be used at any time to promote the awards, and that the decision of the judging panel is final.
Important information
Closing date
Applications must be submitted by the 1st November in each year, and will be reviewed by the panel during December.
Address for applications
Heath/Gooley Leadership Fund
Wellington Paraplegic & Physically Disabled Trust
P O Box 54 003
Porirua 5247
Past grants:
- 2022: Nil
- 2021: $1,000
- 2020: $4,200
- 2019: Nil
- 2018: Nil
- 2017: $2,000
- 2016: $5,000
- 2015: $5,000
Download application form (38KB)